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ManuFuture Today

Manufacturers guiding other manufacturers in their digital transformation journey, supported by world-class researchers.

Start or accelerate your digital transformation journey

Our communities deliver the power of peer-to-peer learning, the fastest and most reliable way to learn.

We provide manufacturers with easy access to world-class researchers, so you can  chart a reliable path through complex technologies.

People drive any digital transformation, and people need to upgrade their skills continuously. We deliver reliable training options to a manufacturer’s doorstep.

Supported by National Science Foundation Award # 2134667

FMRG: Manufacturing USA: Cyber: Privacy-Preserving Tiny Machine Learning Edge Analytics to Enable AI-Commons for Secure Manufacturing

Our Learning Communities

Our learning communities are focused, reliable, and practical (and did we mention our no selling rule?)

01 Ask your questions

Every digital journey is different, and each one starts with a lot of questions. That’s what’s so special about ManuFuture. Connect with us and we’ll help you find guides for your journey.

02 Join the open community

Your journey with us starts in our Open Community. It’s free. There, you will meet the manufacturers and researchers driving this platform. 

03 Connect to other manufacturers

Our real value comes in connecting manufacturers with each other. That’s how we learn best: learn-by-doing coupled with peer-to-peer learning.

Regional hubs

Purdue University - Indiana

Based in Purdue University, we work with a network of manufacturing companies helping them increase their performance through the adoption of new technologies.

NorthEast Ohio

ManuFuture NEO is our newly launched project, in hand with Manufacturing Works. We want to bring together small and medium size companies in a learning-doing experience.

Yes! I want to learn more.

Manufacturers that work with us